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Anti-Fraud & Payments Handling


Take our anti-fraud and payments handling course to learn how to resist online fraud and other financial crimes.



Fraud prevention and payment monitoring are critical components of every online business, and the gaming industry is no exception. Our anti-fraud and payments training has been designed specifically for Gaming employees in the Operations teams of the company as an interactive training experience filled with potentially fraudulent scenarios in which they interact to identify the fraud and decide on the appropriate actions to take.

Students will learn what fraud is, how to profile cybercriminals and their goals, how to recognize suspicious activity, red flags, and how to avoid them in this course. There will also be an overview of chargebacks, RFI management, Bonus abuse detection and prevention, and the detection and prevention of specific fraudulent behaviour for the Casino, Sportsbook, and Poker verticals.

This interactive course will use exercises and practical case studies to educate learners how to recognize fraudulent practices.

Our Fraud Management courses were created in collaboration with industry specialists who have years of experience and in-depth understanding of fraud management in the gaming industry.


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